Types of Neurotransmitters

Monoamine Neurotransmitters:

DOPAMINE: ——— > Pleasure

Insufficient dopamine produces the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, while an excess amount of dopamine is associated with paranoia. It is one of the neurotransmitters related to ‘feeling good’ as a pulse of activity through the dopamine system in the brain is linked to feeling happy, even euphoric. This is called the reward system.

NORADRENALIN: ——-> ‘Fight or Flight’ Mechanism

Noradrenalin in the bloodstream is linked with adrenalin in the fight-flight mechanism. It is also found in the brain as a neurotransmitter where it boosts attention and one’s ability to focus and is also linked to mood.

SEROTONIN ——-> Emotions

This is closely linked to emotions and there is evidence that an incorrect level can make one feel depressed, angry or aggressive.

Other neurotransmitters:


The body’s natural opiates, they have two different effects:

– They are inhibitory neurotransmitters, occupying and therefore blocking receptor sites for pain.

– Make one feel good through the stimulation of the dopamine reward system.

GABA: ——> slows everything down

This is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter. It makes it more difficult for messages to be transmitted from one synapse to another. It slows neural activity, so is referred to as a depressant.

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